The Unpopular Advice You Need to Hear BEFORE Getting Your Business Website
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Plot twist: as someone who designs websites for a living, you probably think I'm about to tell you why you absolutely need a website right now. Maybe you're even bracing yourself for the sales pitch.
But I'm about to tell you something that might surprise you.
Say you're a new business owner.
You know you need a website. You've probably heard it before - the whisperings, the Instagram ads, the emails - all promising that "just having a website will propel your business to unimaginable heights."
And you think they're right. You want a place of your own where people will find you, you'll make sales, become wildly successful, and be able to concentrate on the stuff you're actually passionate about. A website will automatically attract traffic and bring loads of your dream clients your way.
Wrong. (mostly)
I wish I could tell you otherwise, but here's what I think is the ACTUAL truth: just having a website isn't going to do a whole lot for you on its own.
What You Actually Need (the part no one wants to talk about)
First up: content marketing. I’m talking consistent, helpful blog posts, YouTube videos, engaging pins on Pinterest - pick your poison, but you gotta do it. And not just for a hot minute. For a while.
(Quick nerdy side note: this is all about letting Google know you're providing consistent, relevant, and helpful information so it shows your website to the right people. Hello, SEO basics!)
How long are we talking? Some people say 3 months, some say 6, some say a whole year or two. Real talk: it totally depends. It takes maintained consistency, and I wish I could make it sound sexier, but it's just a slog, friend.
But wait, there's more!
You also need a strategic, conversion-optimized site to make visitors stick around and take action. I know, I know - more stuff to think about. But hear me out.
When I say strategic and conversion-optimized, I'm talking about:
Thoughtful navigation that actually makes sense for your visitors (not just what looked *aesthetic* in the template)
Buttons that scream "click me!" (in a good way) with clear calls-to-action
Internal links that work and guide people through your content naturally
A mapped-out customer journey - from how they find you to how they become raving fans
Website copy that speaks directly to your ideal clients' needs
Mobile-friendly design that doesn't make people want to throw their phone across the room
Why Am I Raining on Your Parade?
I know this isn't the fun, sparkly advice you were hoping for. Trust me, I truly wish "Build It and They Will Come" actually worked these days!
But here's the silver lining: when you know the truth, you can make a real plan that actually works.
So What Should You Do?
If you're just starting a business and wondering about a website:
Yes, you probably do need one! It helps get you found, makes you look legit, showcases what you do, and helps you make those sweet, sweet sales.
BUT you also need a solid marketing plan. Figure out HOW you'll drive people to your site and HOW you'll convert them once they're there.
Want to Get Started?
There's tons of good, free information out there about building a strategic website and marketing plan (and some real duds too, let's be honest).
Want a vetted resource to start with? Check out the 'Marketing Bridge Framework' video (just 6 minutes!) from my favorites over at Wandering Aimfully.
Need more hands-on help? I've got your back! Book a 60-minute Power Hour strategy call with me, and and we'll map out a plan that works for your specific business. We'll turn all this info into a real, actionable strategy you can start using right away.